At Schlecht's Hatchery, in order to keep our prices per chick lower, we have started to offer flat rate charges for shipping. We charge a flat rate of $30.00 dollars per box.
0 - 80 chicks = 1 box
Example: If ordering 100 Cornish rock chicks your cost will be :
$225.00 for the chicks
+ $60.00 for the postage
= $ 285.00 . total cost
With the ever changing cost of postage always raising, we felt this was the easiest way to make shipping charges fair for all of our customers no matter what zone you live in. We are also able to keep our chicks at a lower, fair cost than some larger hatcheries. These charges include both winter and summer rates. Also when you receive your birds, please open them at the post office. If there is a death loss( which hopefully we don't have any !) We will need confirmation from a postal employee for any chance of getting a refund/ reshipment. Thank you for your understanding.
As always please feel free to call us anytime if you have any questions at all ! We love to hear from our customers to know how you all are doing, and how your flocks are as well ! As previously stated we would not have been able to stay in business this long without our loyal and caring customers !