The FABULOUS TENDER BROAD-BREASTED CORNISH CROSS chicks are truly a meat-type bird with large drum sticks, broad breast, and are fast maturing. They may be used as fryers at a very young stage or let grow for a roasting bird. These birds are ready to be dressed in 6 to 7 weeks.
St. Run - $2.25 / Pullets - $2.25/ Ckls. - $2.80
Olive Eggers are a fun and EGGciting hybrid breed to have in your flock! Olive Egger Hens lay several shades of green/olive tones, hence, their name. They are bred by crossing a DARK brown egg laying breed with a blue egg laying breed. Olive egger chickens are not the type to be exceptionally huge chickens. They are just along with the average sizes of chickens. The average weight of an olive egger hen ranges from 6 to 7 pounds. On the other hand, roosters’ weight ranges from 7 to 8 pounds. Throughout the year, an olive egger chicken can lay up to 140 eggs up to 200 eggs. Olive egger chickens start their egg-laying activities relatively young. They usually begin when they are 5 to 6 months old, producing 4 to 5 eggs per week.
St. Run only - $3.50
The Golden Comet has been widely acclaimed in all areas where brown eggs are preferred. The reason is simple - they are one of the finest brown egg layers available today. They mature early and lay eggs of excellent size and quality. An extremely quiet bird that is able to withstand the colder, non-insulated laying houses. The chicks may be sexed by color - pullets red and roosters white. The mature pullet is golden red in color, but has some white showing throughout her neck and back. The cockerels are very similar to the white rock size and with very little color around the neck, wings, and tail. Good bird to raise without leg problems.
St. Run $3.10 / Pullets $3.75 / Ckls. 65¢
. Black Sex Links are a cross between two of the best heritage breeds – Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds. The outcome is a very high egg production that can reach up to 300 eggs per year depending on the quality of care and feed as well as having a plump body.
St. Run -$3.10 / Pullets- $3.75/ ckls. $.65